Cheese Please 2024

If you are beginning to think about gifts for the upcoming holiday season … consider our “Prestige” box of extraordinary cheeses from the award-winning Abbaye de Saint-Benoit-du-Lac. All are nut and gluten-free, made from pasteurized whole milk from local farms and only the blue cheese contains lactose.  

Each $43. box contains seven 150g cheeses not easily found in Ontario including:

1. St.-Benoit – a sweet, flavoured hazelnut

2. Frère Jacques — a firm cheese with a delectable nutty taste  

3. Le Moine — ripened longer, flavour of grilled almonds and melted butter

4. St-Augustin — a firm Swiss cheese

5. Fontina Fume – has a soft texture and slightly creamy

6. Bleu Benedictin — slightly creamy with “Roquefort” mushroom flavour

7. Le Moutier — made from goat’s milk, a sweet, slightly fruity flavour       

All are vacuum-sealed and last up to three months when refrigerated. The cheeses are attractively boxed for gift giving and individual cheeses make terrific hostess gifts. 

Indulge yourself, your friends and family, with these unique cheeses AND support a worthy cause.


ORDERING: Email Carolyn Harrison ( Include the number of boxes, your address and your phone number.

PAYMENT: to Carolyn when you order, via: 

·    E-transfer to Carolyn and include “Cheese Please” in the message,

·    Cheque made out to Carolyn & delivered to 316 Loretta Ave., Ottawa, ON, K1S 5N7, OR

·    Cash

PICK UP ON: December 3 at Carolyn’s
DONATIONS: If cheese doesn’t interest you but our cause does, you can make a donation to “Cheese Please” with an e-transfer to Carolyn’s email address. The Stephen Lewis Foundation will issue a charity receipt for donations of $20 or more.

Do feel free to pass on this great offer to others.

Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!